Evening or Morning???

Buck Assassin

Well-Known Member
May 8, 2008
Reaction score
cocke county, TN
When do you shoot the most? And when do you shoot your best?

I like to shoot in the mornings because most of the time its pretty cool outside. But it seems like I shoot my best groups in the evenings. does anyone else notice this or is it all in my head? lol
Evenings for me. If I am up early enough for it to not be hot out I usually got to go to work or am doing something else.
When the 4/1 year olds are either taking a nap or out running around with their mom.
TN.Frank said:
Radar said:
Both. Mornings near a bedding area , evenings near a food source.
I don't think he was asking so much about hunting as he was just target practice. :grin:

I guess I should have read the whole post before I replied to the title . :blush: As far as practice goes . Whenever I'm fresh and relaxed is when I shoot best . Mornings or evenings doesn't make a difference to me in practice .
I don't force or rush myself to practice when I'm tired . I think too many guys practice too much when they are tired and just practice bad habits.
I usually practice in the evenings before season, and at mid-day during the season. If I'm too busy to practice during the season, I try to take the time to shoot a few practice arrows at teh truck before walking out to the stand (afternoon hunts, obviously).