

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2013
Reaction score
Lincoln Co., TN

Figure I'll see him everyday I'm in the stand
I keep very detailed trail-camera data. Every year I will have bucks I photograph maybe 3 or 4 times the entire season. Then I will have bucks that get their pictures taken absolutely every day for months. Some are home bodies, and some aren't.
It is weird. Some years I see the same buck ALL the time. Some years, it's all just random bucks and never seeing the same one twice
It is weird. Some years I see the same buck ALL the time. Some years, it's all just random bucks and never seeing the same one twice
A couple of years ago we had a very undersized 2 1/2 year-old buck that was just a big 3-point. Big fork on one side and a spike on the other. Opening week of MZ season he was passed up by hunters 7 times.

Then we had "Satan" last year, the mature giant spike. Got his picture almost every day, often in daylight. Yet no one ever saw him with their own eyes. Crazy.
A couple of years ago we had a very undersized 2 1/2 year-old buck that was just a big 3-point. Big fork on one side and a spike on the other. Opening week of MZ season he was passed up by hunters 7 times.

Then we had "Satan" last year, the mature giant spike. Got his picture almost every day, often in daylight. Yet no one ever saw him with their own eyes. Crazy.
It's odd for sure. Several times, I've seen a great up and comer multiple times, while one's that are targeting him never see. They get so frustrated that I'll see him just about every time out and they never lay eyes on him, even from them sitting in my own stands. And they want to kill him. Makes me a little happy 😂.

What really frustrates me is a mature deer I don't want to kill, but see all the time, and know others would be thrilled with killing. I can't get them on that particular deer
The only problem with having a buck or doe follow you to the stand is that every year they get older and wiser. I had a doe do that to me on a property that everyday I hunted for the 1st year there she came through and would slip in to where she could stand on the adjacent ridge in a thicket and when the squirrels came in playing would wait quietly and patiently until I moved my head or blink or whatever and then be blowing her head off traveling down the ridge probably smiling and laughing her head off. Until 1 day I played a trick and my 300 win mag had the last laugh. I would move out the ridge and until the day I killed her she would come in blowing even if the stand was empty and the wind blowing away from her.
A couple of years ago we had a very undersized 2 1/2 year-old buck that was just a big 3-point. Big fork on one side and a spike on the other. Opening week of MZ season he was passed up by hunters 7 times.

Then we had "Satan" last year, the mature giant spike. Got his picture almost every day, often in daylight. Yet no one ever saw him with their own eyes. Crazy.
Well, he didn't get to be a mature giant Spike by walking around in front of Hunter's during daylight.
The only problem with having a buck or doe follow you to the stand is that every year they get older and wiser. I had a doe do that to me on a property that everyday I hunted for the 1st year there she came through and would slip in to where she could stand on the adjacent ridge in a thicket and when the squirrels came in playing would wait quietly and patiently until I moved my head or blink or whatever and then be blowing her head off traveling down the ridge probably smiling and laughing her head off. Until 1 day I played a trick and my 300 win mag had the last laugh. I would move out the ridge and until the day I killed her she would come in blowing even if the stand was empty and the wind blowing away from her.
A number of years ago I had a doe that I would see at first light every time I was in a certain stand. she would come off the Ridge and get spooked. I decided towards the end of the season that I was going to take her home. Right on cue when just light enough to shoot, here she came with her fawn behind her. Lo and behold the best Buck of my life was following them so she stayed in the woods the buck went home with me.
This problem of deer figuring out your stand locations is why we move our stands so often. Once a particular stand has accrued a specific number of hunting hours, it gets put on the list to be moved the following year.
The only problem with having a buck or doe follow you to the stand is that every year they get older and wiser. I had a doe do that to me on a property that everyday I hunted . . . . . and would slip in to where she could stand on the adjacent ridge . . . . . and patiently until I moved my head or blink or whatever and then be blowing her head off . . . . . until the day I killed her she would come in blowing even if the stand was empty and the wind blowing away from her.
Have had similar happen several times over the years.
It's often been a mature doe for me, and she would sabotage my hunt every time I was hunting "her" area (even though I was moving my stand sites around).

This problem of deer figuring out your stand locations is why we move our stands so often. Once a particular stand has accrued a specific number of hunting hours, it gets put on the list to be moved the following year.

That's a good plan, but with certain old deer, still may not work.
It seems some deer cue in as much on entrances, exits, parking places, humans anything period, as much as they do exactly which stand or tree you may climb.

These particular deer (usually been a doe for me) are typically the most challenging to kill, and will sabotage your hunting until you do.
The only problem with having a buck or doe follow you to the stand is that every year they get older and wiser. I had a doe do that to me on a property that everyday I hunted for the 1st year there she came through and would slip in to where she could stand on the adjacent ridge in a thicket and when the squirrels came in playing would wait quietly and patiently until I moved my head or blink or whatever and then be blowing her head off traveling down the ridge probably smiling and laughing her head off. Until 1 day I played a trick and my 300 win mag had the last laugh. I would move out the ridge and until the day I killed her she would come in blowing even if the stand was empty and the wind blowing away from her.
Yes sir
Them old does sure do get smart!
I put a dummy up in a ladder stand that a group of does used to bust me in and placed another one across from it 🧐
They would stop in front of the new one and blow so down they go
Worked great for xbow season
I've never personally witnessed this behavior in does, but I've heard of it so many times I have doubt they do it.
A few years ago, I had an old doe which habitually bedded near my house. I could not walk from the house and hunt anywhere in the surrounding area without her "busting" my opportunities. She would literally follow me (at a distance) wherever I went, alerting other deer to be "on alert".

They seem to often follow your sounds walking, staying just far enough back you're unlikely to ever see them. Once you stop walking (i.e. climb a tree), then they circle the spot of last sounds. Eventually, they'll see you turn your head or something, then start that stomping, blowing routine. And it they don't see you, they do that anyway!