I have never in my short 3 yrs of bow hunting, shot with both eyes open! Today while shootin in the backyard, my father n law suggested I try it! I was shocked to see my groups get tighter immediately! How many of you shoot with both eyes open?
I shoot with both eyes open. Sometimes I close the left eye for just a second center the pin, but other than that there open. It allows me to see a broader pic of the surroundings. Nate17 is right though...do what works. One thing I found is that if I am not shooting well for a extended period of time I change something to make myself go back to the fundementals.
It's funny you did that. I've heard many people say that, so I too tried it this weekend, and was blown away. The only thing is it gets a bit blurry. I was putting it on target with one eye, then open both and adjusting a little.