Face paint or headnet


Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2007
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Which do you use? For years I went with a headnet or nothing at all but now kinda turning into face paint guy. Just wondering what is most popular. Thanks
I used to never hunt without a facemask. Now, I never hunt with one. I am a lot more conscious about stand placement and concealment now. I try not to have to rely on masks or camo clothes to not be seen.
I keep some face paint in my pack if I set up and I'm concerned about my skin standing out. I never liked a face mask. It seems to change my anchor point slightly.
Used face paint Sunday. Couldn't find my face mask. I prefer the mask mainly because it keeps the mosquitos in check.
I use neither, if they notice my face then I have screwed up somewhere else along the line and more than likely wouldn't get a shot off anyway. I have used facepaint but that is when my hunting buddies and I want to act goofy.
A.Hall said:
neither for me...don't wear makeup and headnets don't allow me to spit copenhagen

Forgot to mention that on the face mask...I dip Grizzly and the face mask definately gets in the way. I forgot one time and went to spit off my stand with my face mask on...didn't work out very well for me lol!
hahah thats why you cut a "spit" hole in the mask.

i use the elastic kind that has a cut our for your nostrils and mouth...not a fan of the actual net ones after using it.

dont think they are really needed but sometimes i just feel odd without it on. Also sometimes the only tree you can actually use is somewhat open.
face mask . i think it has has really help me / but this year its kind started bugging me and it feels like i cant anchor just right with it on never had this problem before .not sure whats changed but i can see why ppl use paint
I was actually just thinking about this. I use a net, the kind with the 2 elastic straps, opening around the eyes, and the bendy thing on the nose. I think it was $2 at walmart. I like that it keeps the bugs down, and makes me feel more secure in those rare occasions where the deer is feeding, and then looks directly up at you. I was curious how many people were using paint because they didnt like anchor points with a net/mask on.

I hate the face covers that are like socks...i feel like they get nasty wet from snot and condensation out of the mouth when it's cold. gross nasty.
I use the full head face mask.I use to use the net kind but its not in style any longer so I don't think the deer would respect me if I tried it again. You have to keep up with the times to keep your mojo working.