Fan Display Idea!


Well-Known Member
Mar 9, 2006
Reaction score
Cumberland Plateau
I have an idea in mind for a display but need your help.

I'm looking for a good looking mount with picture to include in the mount. Turkey fan and beard as is traditionally just need to find something i can incoorporate a picture with!

Ready Go! Open to all ideas I like Barnwood ideas!
Make a frame for the picture out of barnwood and just put it at the base of the fan like the fan is coming up out of it. It would cover part of the fan but not the important stuff. Kind of simple but it would probably look pretty good. If hanging it you could attach the beard and spurs to the frame itself.
i have a big plank of old barn wood at my house if you are looking for some. I am going to use part of it for a frame like John said and some other of it for a beard board.
If you want to make it all can make a frame for the picture (may have to buy a piece of glass or plastic to protect the pic) and attach it to the display that you make, you can then place the fan on the very top of the display, under that the picture, and a small shelf like platform to hang the beard and spurs on. Not hard to make at all, but I would probably sand and lacquer the wood for added protection and a smooth look (and yes before you put the picture on haha)

Shape of the display and size is all up to you of course since it's your bird. But I do have to say be sure to post a pic of the finished product if you don't mind.
Brandon, this is what I did last year for my first turkey. You could use barnwood for this. I cut a piece of cedar (to represent what I was leaning up against) and put several coats of polyurethane over it, and then used a router to cut 1/16th into the wood and glue the pic in place. You can get a thin sheet of plexiglass at a craft store and then a few drops on super glue in the corners will secure it in place over the pic. Then I just used a piece of plywood as the backing plate and wrote a description of the hunt on the back for reference for my kids/grandkids after I'm gone, or something happens to me.


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