Well-Known Member
Ok I know not everyone on the site feels the need to own more than one bow. For those of you that do what has been your all time favorite bow. Do you still have it? Did you sell and wish you hadn't?
I have had a Bowtech Allegiance that I have had since 07. It may or may not be perfectly tuned, but I wouldn't adjust anything on that bow if you paid me to. I have bought and sold other bows over the last two years, but I will always have my alley. I am looking at having to get new string and cables though. I hope that doesn't change the bow too much.
I have had a Bowtech Allegiance that I have had since 07. It may or may not be perfectly tuned, but I wouldn't adjust anything on that bow if you paid me to. I have bought and sold other bows over the last two years, but I will always have my alley. I am looking at having to get new string and cables though. I hope that doesn't change the bow too much.