Favorite turkey gun/load


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2012
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shelby co TN
Whats yalls favorite turkey gun and load?

ive hunted with a Bunch and have held onto two(ive only killed one bird though)

1. Mossberg 500 24in barrel 12ga useing 3' #4 winchesters. killed the one bird at 40 yards and patterns great. at 25yards its like shootin a rifle. at 50yds still a bunch of pellets in the head,

2.Remington 1187 12ga 26in barrel shooting 3' Remington #5. Its also a real tight patterning gun and ive used it for years. My dad borrowd it last year and shot his first bird at 35yards
My old thumper was a Browning BPS that I shot a kicks choke and a 3.5" Winchester supreme #5. I think I only missed 2 birds out of 90 or so I shot at while carrying it
I had an old 870 express 12 gauge that killed a ton of birds , don't remember the choke...wished i had never sold it...nowadays I'm leaning towards a 20 gauge
Sad, but I not found that one special gun to me yet. The bird from last weekend was with 870 express and Tight Wad choke with #5s. First time I ever even pulled the trigger on it come to think of it.
I have a stoger m2000 with a hevI shot choke. And a 835 with a jelly head. Both shooting magnum blends. But after shootinf a few sbeii that are set up strictly for turkeys that's is by far my favorite.
i have a mossberg 535. i use the 26" waterfowl barrel. it is light and has a 3 pound trigger which i like. I shoot winchester supremes 3.5" numbers 5's
Love my old Browning BPS 12, I've been shooting the Hevi shot 3.5 number 5s through it with good success
My 11-87 with a 28" barrel and jelly head shooting the magblend hevishot has been too good to me and the boys that I have taken. It has dropped the last 9 turkeys that it was pointed at without a hitch.
REN said:
Sbe2 with a steady grip stock


Benelli M2 20 gauge

Take it you don't like the Franchi


My favorite gun is a single shot NEF 12 gauge with 2 3/4 #5.

Wanting a 20 gauge single shot though. I'm knee deep in 20 gauge hevi shot.
Well it's new to me this year but my Benelli M2 with a 21" barrel is sure very light and handy. I bought it for a turkey and coyote gun and it seems like a winner so far. I had been using a Benelli Nova before and killed several turkeys with it but it is like carrying a rattley crosstie when compared to the M2. Used the Win Supreme 3" #5 before but I'm using the Win LB XR #5s now-Win has a winner with this shell. First shot at a turkey with M2 and LB:
Bought an 870 super mag this year and it shoots great with 3 1/2" Longbeard 5's and hope to find out soon what it will do to a turkeys head. Only other turkey guns i've had were a Mossberg 500 and 835. Winchester supreme 5's out of both ruined quite a few turkeys day.

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