federal heavyweight


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score
Hickman county
Where can I get these in 20 gauge? Does the bass pro in Nashville have any? Should I just order some online?
Seems more and more places are carrying them. Have seen them at Bass Pro & Gander Mountain.
I'm hoping as their popularity increases, maybe Federal will start loading them in smaller shot sizes, as I would love to have some in #8 size.
Andy S.":1zueve9a said:
Where are you located? Wherever you look, try your best to get the HW #7s.

Thanks, Andy. I was hoping I could get the 7's myself. I live in Hickman county if anyone knows of a store close. I occasionally get to Nashville, but want to make sure I get them before season! I don't HAVE to have them, but I take quite a few youngsters each year and wanted to give those Heavyweights a try for them.
poorhunter":sma8sfl2 said:
Andy S.":sma8sfl2 said:
Where are you located? Wherever you look, try your best to get the HW #7s.

Thanks, Andy. I was hoping I could get the 7's myself. I live in Hickman county if anyone knows of a store close. I occasionally get to Nashville, but want to make sure I get them before season! I don't HAVE to have them, but I take quite a few youngsters each year and wanted to give those Heavyweights a try for them.

Dickson Sporting Goods
poorhunter":1qeei96q said:
. . . . . I take quite a few youngsters each year and wanted to give those Heavyweights a try for them.
If you have some concerns about recoil with those youngers, these Federal Heavyweights might not be the best choice (at least with the 20 ga ones). Most 3" 20 ga loads contain 1 1/4 oz of shot; the Federal Heavyweights contain 1 1/2 oz, and this does make a considerable difference in felt recoil.
you can use the 2 3/4 heavyweights if recoil is an issue. got a new youngsters i take every year as well and thats what i put in the gun when we go out and they will still flatten a turkey out as far as i want them to shoot to.