bjohnson":gwanlblk said:
TheLBLman":gwanlblk said:
Bjohnson, with the TSS,
I'd highly recommend going with #9 size shot rather than the #7's.
Any reason other than higher shot count?
Usually, the #9 TSS smaller shot size will produce more uniform, not just more dense patterns,
and . . . . . .
Just to keep it simple, if you're going for head/neck shots,
the #9's TSS extend your high-probability range beyond that of #7's TSS.
And surprisingly, the #9's (in TSS) penetrate comparably to #5 lead,
so they're actually comparable to #5 lead no matter where they hit the bird.
Or put another way, why use buckshot (where legal) instead of something with a denser pattern
if you're going for head/neck shots?
Just in case someone reading this is unfamiliar with TSS shot,
I am not recommending #9 sized pellets for any other shot material ---- only TSS.
TSS is so much heavier than lead that #9 TSS penetrates comparably to #5 lead.
#9 lead might be turkey lethal out to 30 yards, maybe.
#9 TSS will shoot thru a turkeys head farther than would be wise to take the shot.
Conservatively speaking, #9 TSS should extend your turkey gun's effective range
at least 5 to 10 yards over say a premium lead turkey load of #5 or #6 lead,
and, TSS patterns more uniformly.