Federal TSS in Stock


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
Reaction score
Munford, TN
At MidwayUSA. I would advise taking a seat before you look at prices though. I'm glad I bought 6 boxes when it was 24.99 on clearance at bass pro. Wow it's gone through the roof.
Wow. Double. I bought a case of 50 from Targetsports USA last spring before ammo prices and availability went nuts. If I had to buy now, I believe I'd be shooting lead til things settled back down.
Will things settle back down.. I know it has went back down in the past but not sure if this is a new normal or just another extended spike.
Bit the bullet at bass pro yesterday. We have plenty of 20 ga, but son is moving up to 12 ga. Who knew it would take a $100 bill to buy two boxes.
Got some myself. Patterned them a couple of days ago and they knocked my durned brains out!!!! My friend broke his Mossberg TWICE shooting them in a lead sled. Mossberg told him to stop shooting them with any type of sled device. Lol
Got some myself. Patterned them a couple of days ago and they knocked my durned brains out!!!! My friend broke his Mossberg TWICE shooting them in a lead sled. Mossberg told him to stop shooting them with any type of sled device. Lol
I shot four longbeards last weekend... my shoulder was so jacked after the third shot I flinched and aerated the yard on the fourth 😢
Got some myself. Patterned them a couple of days ago and they knocked my durned brains out!!!! My friend broke his Mossberg TWICE shooting them in a lead sled. Mossberg told him to stop shooting them with any type of sled device. Lol

Stop shooting what? Tss loads? I mean they have the same charge as normal turkey loads. Nothing more recoil about them
Stop shooting what? Tss loads? I mean they have the same charge as normal turkey loads. Nothing more recoil about them
I have no idea what's going on with that. I said the same about the charge until I shot them. I shot one of my normal Longbeards and then the Federal TSS and was nowhere near prepared for the difference! I've never been recoil sensitive. I have used 10 gauges in the past and hunted deer with a 300 win mag. Never minded it at all. I never want to shoot another of those TSS shells without a bird in front of me. Mossberg told them not to shoot those shells with a lead sled or locked down gun. I'm afraid I have to respectfully disagree with you about your "nothing more recoil" statement. Once again respectfully, I wouldn't have said it if it wasn't true, at least to my acquaintances and myself, and subsequently corroborated by everyone I spoke to who has switched over to them recently.
I have no idea what's going on with that. I said the same about the charge until I shot them. I shot one of my normal Longbeards and then the Federal TSS and was nowhere near prepared for the difference! I've never been recoil sensitive. I have used 10 gauges in the past and hunted deer with a 300 win mag. Never minded it at all. I never want to shoot another of those TSS shells without a bird in front of me. Mossberg told them not to shoot those shells with a lead sled or locked down gun. I'm afraid I have to respectfully disagree with you about your "nothing more recoil" statement. Once again respectfully, I wouldn't have said it if it wasn't true, at least to my acquaintances and myself, and subsequently corroborated by everyone I spoke to who has switched over to them recently.

I respect that. I can't speak for 12g or factory 20tss. I load my own and never felt much of a difference if the payload was the same. Now 1 5/8 20 gauge load vs a 1oz 20g load yeah I can see the difference

as far as lead sled, should never shoot a high energy load from one with it strapped down. Way to much recoil.
I respect that. I can't speak for 12g or factory 20tss. I load my own and never felt much of a difference if the payload was the same. Now 1 5/8 20 gauge load vs a 1oz 20g load yeah I can see the difference

I respect that. I can't speak for 12g or factory 20tss. I load my own and never felt much of a difference if the payload was the same. Now 1 5/8 20 gauge load vs a 1oz 20g load yeah I can see the difference
as far as lead sled, should never shoot a high energy load from one with it strapped down. Way to much recoil.
I have no informed answer to tell you the truth. Lol. I had to eat a little crow because I joked about some friends being soft until I experienced it first hand. I agree about the sled and high recoil loads. Thanks for your input! I appreciate it. I also apologize for messing up your comment when I tried to reply. I don't know how I deleted some of it. 🤷‍♂️
I have no idea what's going on with that. I said the same about the charge until I shot them. I shot one of my normal Longbeards and then the Federal TSS and was nowhere near prepared for the difference!
Think I know what's going on :)

Your "normal" Longbeards have a payload of 1 1/4 oz at 1,000 fps.
The Federal TSS have a payload of 1 1/2 oz at 1,100 fps.

Just the raw numbers . . . . .
Longbeards 1.25 x 1,000 = 1,250
Federal TSS 1.50 x 1,100 = 1,650

The Federal TSS has 32% more "energy" than the Longbeards.
Not calculating for the weight of the gun "absorbing" a good amount,
that translates to a minimum of 32% more FELT recoil on one's shoulder.

But, in reality, the gun does "absorb" some recoil.
For example, if the gun "absorbs" around 400, then
our numbers go Longbeards = 850
and the Federal TSS = 1250
With that gun recoil absorption,
real "felt" recoil would be about 47% more with the Federal TSS!
Think I know what's going on :)

Your "normal" Longbeards have a payload of 1 1/4 oz at 1,000 fps.
The Federal TSS have a payload of 1 1/2 oz at 1,100 fps.

Just the raw numbers . . . . .
Longbeards 1.25 x 1,000 = 1,250
Federal TSS 1.50 x 1,100 = 1,650

The Federal TSS has 32% more "energy" than the Longbeards.
Not calculating for the weight of the gun "absorbing" a good amount,
that translates to a minimum of 32% more FELT recoil on one's shoulder.

But, in reality, the gun does "absorb" some recoil.
For example, if the gun "absorbs" around 400, then
our numbers go Longbeards = 850
and the Federal TSS = 1250
With that gun recoil absorption,
real "felt" recoil would be about 47% more with the Federal TSS!
Wow! Thank you so much for clearing that up! I'll share this information with all of my buddies. We've been scratching our heads on this one and should have used some common sense. Lol. I truly appreciate it. A further question, since we are using the 3.5 inch shell with a heavier payload, I would assume that would equate to an even greater amount of felt recoil exponentially, would that be correct?
I shot four longbeards last weekend... my shoulder was so jacked after the third shot I flinched and aerated the yard on the fourth 😢
They do pack a punch! I have gotten used to them over time I guess. Plus, I'm shooting a newer model Browning A5. This gun seems to make quite a difference where recoil is concerned.
I attempted to pattern 4 turkey guns last week. Two with TSS and two with lead. I was using Apex in my 12 gauge and Federal TSS in my buddies 20 gauge ( he is out of town at Fort Bragg and comes back mid season so I said I would square him away). In his 12 gauge 835 I was using Longbeard #5 in my 12 gauge 835 I was using Apex #9 both were 3" and I think there was a difference in recoil between the two. I was shooting Federal TSS in his 20 gauge and Longbeards out of my 535 in 12 gauge. My shoulder was a bit sore when I started shooting my 835 with TSS but I am going back out this week to confirm my pattern.
A further question, since we are using the 3.5 inch shell with a heavier payload, I would assume that would equate to an even greater amount of felt recoil exponentially, would that be correct?
IF you were using the SAME gun in your comparison, yes, the answer would generally be more felt recoil (assuming same or higher velocity with that heavier payload).

However, if you're using a different gun, other factors could negate that "yes" answer.
For example, if you shot the "lighter" payload in a lightweight, fixed-breech 20 ga, then shot the "heavier" payload in a heavyweight 12 ga autoloader, it is possible your 12 ga heavier load COULD have less felt recoil than your 20 ga.

Generally speaking, a heavier gun will absorb more of the load's recoil than a lighter gun. And when comparing different guns, one may have better recoil-absorbing "recoil" pad on its butt than the other. I have a lightweight 20 ga fixed breech gun that has no recoil pad ---- that gun produces more felt recoil with a 1 1/4 oz load than does my dedicated 12 ga autoloading turkey gun with a 1 7/8 oz load (which has been my go-to 12 ga payload).

All that said, usually, any 12 ga gun using a 3.5" load of at least 2 oz,
will produce noticeably more felt recoil than any 20 ga gun using 1 1/2 oz or less in payload.
Recoil has made a difference in the gun I shoot. Shot a 12 for many years/ then moved to a 20 ga for a few years. Killed many with both..But I like the pattern of my 410 bore with #9 TSS better than my 12/20. Plus it is a challenge to get a bird into the 410 range. Shooting a Charles Daily single shot