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Food Plots Fescue

I second Eddie C's comments. I see a lot of guys out west complaining about fescue taking over with less nutritional value than the native grasses. I wish I could recommend a plant that could stand getting started in the heat of the summer, but I don't know of anything. I think you missed your window to plant. Going to have to wait for it to cool off.
You got cattle? Might consider waiting a few weeks and sowing something like Marshall ryegrass when you got decent rain in the forecast. You get fescue well established without cows to keep it knocked back and it's virtually worthless for a BUNCH of other critters. My understanding is that it's toxic in a deer's gut and that thick mat of stems will flat kill a turkey or quail little one near'bout as fast as a hawk will.

Fescue is just no good for wildlife (my opinion based on observation).