scn":z6coi53p said:To me, it is stupid to even think about playing a ball game there on Saturday. The people of Florida have so many more pressing needs to have resources diverted to get that venue ready. If they can't find an acceptable neutral site, just call off the game.
Maybe the 9 or 10 players in trouble could get their community service in by working cleanup. :stir:scn":2id6jflo said:But, to go to extra lengths for the game when it means diverting resources away from the general population is wrong.
scn":2oj8f3og said:For me, if the game doesn't get made up, it isn't the end of the world. I just think it is wrong to divert ANY resources toward making that venue playable that could be used to help out the general population of Florida get back on their feet. If having the stadium ready for play on Saturday afternoon is just a byproduct of work that would still be done to get the university back up and running, that is one thing. But, to go to extra lengths for the game when it means diverting resources away from the general population is wrong.