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Field Conditions

Hillbilly Hunter

Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2005
The shape of the Oklahoma field made me wander if there should be some sort of field condition standard that should be implemented. They obviously mucked the field up in an attempt to have an advantage. Should there be repercussions on this sort of thing?
A few years back Neyland had a terrible field all year, maybe even a couple years. Before and during one UGA @ UT game sideline reporters were showing bare patches where there was uplifted or no grass and there was green sand in some places and other places that had painted dirt. There were several sports sites that have done articles on it over the years, and I've included a couple from a quick search below. If I recall correctly the game where Chubb's knee got blown up Neyland field conditions were said to be at least a partial contributor, but I may have the wrong UGA knee injury at Neyland.

My point is not to put down UT or Neyland, but I actually would agree with certain field standards (think "NCAA HOA") for grass or artificial turf, but I also know that could be difficult due to different regions, weather conditions, and other specifics. It can be a competitive advantage thing or a player safety thing

I saw an article or comment from an article that showed a brown field the week before and then said they put a new one down for the UT game. No idea if it was on purpose but yeah the field was trash. Both teams have to play on it so although it sucked it doesn't bug me. You'd think if you're putting a new field in you'd do so way before the start of the season and that goes for all schools.
Maniuplating the playing field is done in all sports. Baseball teams in particular will adjust how they cut the grass, how soft the batter's box is if they're using a knuckleball pitcher in the game, etc. Some very interesting stories on the internet about it.

I know of one HS in Tennessee that flooded its field to try to slow down a faster team during a playoff game in 2007. TSSAA told them to either get it playable in two days, or the game would go to the opponent's field. They dumped tractor trailer loads of sand on the field to try to make it better (it still sucked, I was on the field at the end of the game and sank in to my ankles). They literally destroyed their own field - just to lose anyway.
Pilot spending all that money is probably wanting to have some better turf to place their logo more prominent so it stands out better since they have bought and paid for the vols
I have seen games in which it takes a while for a team to get the proper cleats needed to handle the condition of the turf. It is usually the visiting team that starts out with an issue of some of the skilled players consistently slipping.
I have seen games in which it takes a while for a team to get the proper cleats needed to handle the condition of the turf. It is usually the visiting team that starts out with an issue of some of the skilled players consistently slipping.
Or they don't? Anyone remember the 2009 titans v New england Patriots game when titans got blown out by the Patriots 59-0. Direct result of the titans not knowing how to make the adjustments for field conditions.
If I remember correctly somewhere around 2015 the UT athletic director (if you could call him that :mad: ) decided they wanted to do things differently
They had always used turf grown in Tennessee but he wanted a change and got turf somewhere else. They did and it was terrible
So part of the way thru the season they wanted it to look pretty so planted a bunch of rye which was slicker than chit
Anyway they finally changed and it is pretty decent now
FYI the athletic director at that time was the gump sent up to help sabotage the program.

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