Try this: paper tune your bow with broadheads. Robbie at Mid South Archery (new shop in Rossville, TN) suggested that to me about 2 weeks ago and it works. I shoot Montec fixed blades. We aligned the blades with the fletchings so you don't get a wierd tear. I was shooting bullet holes with field points, but was getting left impact @ 30 yards, only about an inch. We moved the rest about 1/32 inch to get it correct with the broadheads, and at 30 yards shooting a broadhead first, then a field point, the shafts were touching!
If you think about it, tuning with broadheads on is the most sensitive configuration, so if it shoots "correct" with the most sensitive config, the field points should follow.
I've been in this game for almost 30 years and this is the first time I've had absolutely no difference in field point and broadhead POI difference. That's worth loads of confidence going into the season.
If you're in the Memphis area, check these guys out. Jason owns the shop, and has a few of us helping out. They're very good technically and can special order just about anything you need.
Good luck this weekend.