Fight with a Truck Bumper


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2010
Reaction score
Wilson Co.
You ever seen a gobbler fight with a truck bumper because he can see his reflection? There is one that has been doing it at the guys house where we lets us hunt.

I didnt really believe my buddy until Saturday morning when I saw it with my own eyes. He was blowed up pacing back and forth slamming his head against the front and back bumper. The truck owner said he is the "small" gobbler that keeps getting his butt whooped by the "big" one. We called to him but he just would look up then go back to the bumper and never gobbled. He ended up following his 3 hens into the front yard then we had to give up.

Pretty funny to see though for sure.
I can't tell you have tempted I have been to "bump" one with the danged bumper and then shoot it! :) As I was leaving yesterday from my hunting grounds (empty handed), I had to STOP THE TRUCK IN THE ROAD to allow one to cross. OMG! :)

Maybe instead of a decoy we should put a mirror out? :D
yep hunted for 5 hours on public land last year only to walk out with one whooping up on my bros truck
Sounds like we need to invest in one of those ghost blinds. They are so smart yet so dumb! HAHA
I have never heard that one, but it doesn't surprise me. I have heard about them fighting sliding glass doors.

I have a cardinal at my house that fights the mirror on my Super Duty every day. He is pushing his luck, and if he doesn't find a new hobby he could pick the wrong fight.
Setterman said:
I have never heard that one, but it doesn't surprise me. I have heard about them fighting sliding glass doors.

I have a cardinal at my house that fights the mirror on my Super Duty every day. He is pushing his luck, and if he doesn't find a new hobby he could pick the wrong fight.
Was at baseball practice the other night at our coach's house and he had grocery bags over his F150 mirrors and I asked why. Said he had a crazy cardinal messing them up. :crazy:
cozy23 said:
Sounds like we're not dealing with the brightest birds in the woods.

you just now figuring that out :D turkey are dumb
Baxter83 said:
The bad thing is that I'm not smart enough to out-smart one of these stupid birds this year :mad:


We all feel that way a lot of the time. They certainly can be difficult to deal with some days.
yep, i posted a pic on here last year of one that was attacking my buddy's truck and it also ran him off. he finally made it in his truck and took a pic of it standing on his hood.