Well-Known Member
After going a month or so without shooting outside, I went and shot today. I started at 20 yards then after putting all 5 of my arrows in the killzone i moved back to, 30, 45, 65, 85, 100. I felt very comfortable out to 45 yards putting every shot in the killzone. I went back to 60 then 70 before i relized it was the 65 yard pin and it took 3 groups to get consistent. My 85 yard pin is dead on(more accurate than i was). And finally I moved back to 100 yards and i was getting tired. My first group mas consistently high 3 shots around the spine 1 double lung and one skipped over the target. My second and final group was 1 high 1 low one left and 2 touching in the lung and heart. here is a pic from 100 yards. Hopefully!
100 yards
100 yards