Finding KE


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2006
Reaction score
Morgan Co
I ordered a set of Spitfire max with the 1 3/4in cut and it got me thinking about my KE...I am wondering if im gonna have enough KE to push the broadhead through the animal..I know Mechanicals are not best known for their penetration and im willing to accept that for the 1 3/4 cut.I don't have a chronograph or access to one to figure out how fast my bow is shooting..Im pulling 70lbs with a 30 inch draw length and my bows IBO speed is 304FPS..But I know that it probably doesn't shoot 304FPS...Does bow shops usually have chronographs to see how fast your bow is shooting? NAP website says to have a minimum of 45 KE for these heads..IM gonna call the bow shops to see in the morning..
I use splitfires and I don't have any problem with mine. I shoot a Parker Terminator with 150 lb pull. I can't remember how fast it is suppost to shoot but the only deer that the bolt did not pass-thru I shot in the spine at about 10 yards. She droped in her tracks and the bolt hit the ground before it could clear her body.
I would say that most any shop with a range should have one. And as long as your arrows aren't to much heavier than the minimum you are probably pushing 300fps. I would say you got all the Kenetic energy you need. I probably shoot around 275-280 and I shoot rages. I blew up a couple shoulders on the opposite side last year. You might not get quite as smooth penetration with expandables as you would with slipcams, but you probably got the speed and KE to do the same.
Wow dude, where do you find 150 lbs limbs? And what do you hunt with them? You got a .50 cal for gun season?
Im shooting redhead carbon fury 6075 arrows that are 10.6 grains per inch..So with a 29 3/8in arrow and a 100gr head,and includeing arrow knock,insert and fletching is around about 430grs estimated..not sure of the weight of the insert,knock and fletching..
I'll find out tomorrow for sure..Bow shop up the road has a chronograph and said for $1 I can shoot 3 arrows through it!! LOL Cheap enough...
UTGrad said:
cecil30-30 said:
I'll find out tomorrow for sure..Bow shop up the road has a chronograph and said for $1 I can shoot 3 arrows through it!! LOL Cheap enough...

That is gay as hell :D !!
WHy do you say that? Its better than going out and paying $100+ on a chronograph that i'll only use 1 time..
I've never heard of a bow shop charging to shoot through the chrony.