Finished my cricket box


Well-Known Member
2-Step Enabled
Nov 19, 1999
Reaction score
Finally got it finished this afternoon.
Spent a little more time on it than I did my fish cleaning table. ;)

So far so good.

It is 24" X 18"

If the crickets can climb the sides you may have a hard time keeping them in there, if they do put some hard plastic around the sides & on the lid,I don't think that gives any thing they can grip
mike243 said:
If the crickets can climb the sides you may have a hard time keeping them in there, if they do put some hard plastic around the sides & on the lid,I don't think that gives any thing they can grip

In doing my research before I started I read where you can also use tape.
I had some real good thick 2" wide packing tape (without the cords) and that is what I used.

Works too !! I was amazed. :D
You mean the shiny packing tape stuff-brown? They really cannot climb on it? That is one nice piece of information.

How you gonna pick it up? I only got one eye still but I can't see a set of handles.
It is actually clear and no they can't climb on it.

The pieces of wood I put on the sides to hold the screen down act as pretty good handles.
The clean out I am still working on.
I just "shoo" them to one side and use the vacuum cleaner.

They must be kept warm. I was going to put them in the shop with a heat lamp but decided it was easier to just put them in the utility room in the house for now.

No smell issue.
I think the stink is their poop and not the crickets themselves.
Keep it cleaned out and I don't think there will be a problem.

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