First bird! East Tennessee jake


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2005
Reaction score
Cleveland, TN
After getting skunked opening day and walking over 7 miles doing it, I decided to give my lease a try this morning. I saw a turkey track there when I was patterning my gun but I've never seen them there while deer hunting.

At daylight, I heard a bird gobble along way off so I starting hoofing it. 45 minutes later I was at the end of the lease property and the bird was still a long way off. I tried calling him in but he never seemed to get closer.

Having told the wife I had planned on going to church, I started heading back. Along the way I stopped and hit the crow call. During one of those times, two birds sounded off around 200 yards from me.

I can tell you that knowing the land is a HUGE advantage. I jumped in a creek bed and ran to where I thought I was close enough to call them in. I came out the creek bed and set up in the closest tree and started calling but got no response.

About 15 minutes later, here comes two birds slipping through the woods. I could tell that their beards where kinda sticking out so I knew they were jakes but I didn't care.

They crossed under a fence and then seemed to hang up. I'm guessing since they didnt see the hen calling to them where they thought it should be. So I let my, newly acquired from a TNDeer member, 870 Super Mag with Jellyhead choke go. It was 42 paces to the bird - pretty long shot. I was shooting Kent Diamond Turkey loads 3.5 #5's.

Awesome day. I breasted it out and also kept the legs. Gonna throw em on my smoker for a few then wrap em in foil and pour in some type of juice, havent decided yet.




If he gobbles and comes to a call then he does just the same as an ol longbeard! Congrats on your first!
nice you must have sonic ears if you heard that other gobbler and walked 45 minutes and he was still a long way I can't hear them much over 200 yards on level ground but on hills i can hear them a long way off
Awesome, congrats on the first! My first last year was also a jake... yours is better, mine had a beard barely 1" long lol

Meat is also very good, I boil the legs a good while to get them tender.