TN Whitetail Freak
Well-Known Member
So in 2018 I decided to join the Bowhunting League Turkey contest. I'd always killed turkeys with the shotgun but that year I set a goal to shoot one with the bow. I had no idea how hard it was going to be. 2018 and 2019 came and went with no arrow released but several close calls and hard lessons learned(mainly patience). 2020 came and so did the hunting pressure. I did release one arrow and cleaned missed the beard after hitting the blind first. Again birdless in 2020. Well that changed Saturday morning. I had roosted a group of 3 Tom's Friday and moved in at dark before the first gobble sounded. Birds flew down but the fields remained empty. The Tom's gobbled up until 9am but took their time leaving the cypress swamp. I leaned on patience. At around 9:30, the turkeys showed up and I was able to take the trailing tom at 9 yds. Huge weight lifted off my shoulders and confidence booster.