first bow for son


Well-Known Member
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
My son wants to try bow hunting and wants a bow for his birthday.Any suggestions on a first bow for a 14 year old.
5'4" and 120 pounds is big enough for about any bow that will go down to 26" draw length.

Take him down to the bow shop and see how many pounds he can comfortably pull. I was about the same size and drawing about 50 pounds at that age, but it was all I could manage.

I'd look for a lightly used Matthews DXT or another short axle to axle bow. Tall people don't think about how hard it is to shoot a longer bow out of a deer stand, but it makes a big difference for me. I would try to get him into a 60 pound limb that you can turn down till he works up to it. It won't take in but one summer of shooting to have it cranked down.
Make sure you get him a bow with a wide draw length range , so when he grows , he can adjust the draw length . A good proshop can get him measured and setup properly and let him shoot a few bows to se what he likes .