first hunt first turkey of the year


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
Reaction score
Had not had any time or place to turkey hunt this year except for the youth hunt but on a whime went to some public land in fayette county this afternoon. walked several miles through swamps and grown up fields . did not see or hear anything. head back to the car came out on the corner of the public land and private field was not even thinking of turkeys and saw 2 long necks sticking out of the grass and said what are those geese doing there then it dawned on me it was turkey. hen walked off and gobbler just started back feeding. had to back up 20 yds in the woods as I was near the property line only 30 yds from the bird but behind a large oak. started calling and he gobbled and started coming. had to wait until he was 15 yds away to make sure he was on the public side as he walked past the boundry marker then gave it a few more yds and boom. 19 pounds. 8 1/2 beard and 1 1/4 spurs.sometimes you just never know.
That's a pretty awesome hunt on a whim! Nice to walk on to a place first time and take a public land turkey!