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First Kill With My Call

String Music

Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2007
Reaction score
I finally took the plunge and started turning my own pot calls and strikers. I still have a ways to go but I've enjoyed turning a piece of wood into an instrument that will call in turkeys. I made 6 calls in my first batch and only had 2 that would hunt. I turned my first striker out of hickory yesterday.

With a heavy wind out of the south, I headed to the north side of a mountain expecting the turkeys to be roosted out of the wind. I got to a good listening spot on an old logging road and hooted expecting to hear a gobbler to my far right or left. Instead, one gobbled about 80 yards away. I dove for cover and got set up. I let him free-gobble a couple times before calling just in case I may have spooked him.

I had the high ground and figured I was where the turkeys wanted to guy. I pulled out my call and did a couple tree yelps. I was cut off by what sounded like 3 gobblers. About 5 minutes before fly down, I did a couple clicks and a louder tree yelp and then set my call down.

They gobbled a few more times and then pitched down. I gave them a few minutes to see if they were coming up but it appeared they were content staying on an old logging bed below me out of the wind. So, I picked up the call and got more aggressive. The hens started calling back and sounded like they were working around the mountain away from me. I did some more cutting and yelping.

I had reached that point in the hunt when it's time to either make a move or be patient. I wasn't convinced they wouldn't come up to me at this pointed and decided to go silent and let things unfold a bit longer.

Several minutes later I heard footsteps in the woods. I kept quiet and got my gun up. It wasn't long after that a gobbler appeared on the logging deck followed by two more. Somehow I had convinced them I was more willing to put out than their hens.

The lead gobbler went in and out of strut a couple times and began to work out of my shooting window. I cutt on my mouth call and the 20 gauge took another victim at 30 yards. Number 8 for the 870 youth.

I usually don't post long stories anymore, but this was definitely a special hunt and one I'll always remember as it was the first gobbler I've killed using my own call and striker. It certainly won't be my last. He's a good ol' fashion two-year-old gobbler.



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Man that's awesome! I'm wanting to start turning some calls myself, just for me and people I know. I have no desire in selling them. Congrats!

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That's really special and I can only imagine the feeling of calling in a bird with a call you made yourself. I'm sure there will be many more birds to fall to yours calls, great accomplishment. Way to go!
Closest thing to that is I was fortunate enough to be able to watch a few of my calls be made, its pure work out of love I do understand that, congrats on your first of many!!
great story and what a special kill. For some reason, I have no desire to kill one with a call I've made... but I've tried multiple times to call them in with just my own vocalizations and no artificial call.... it hasn't happened yet, but when it does, THAT will be extra special for me!

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