I've missed them before and I suspect I will miss them again, but this one hurt. Incredible hunt untill I screwed it up. Close on the roost, gobbled plenty, pitched down angling slightly away. One move and I got within 80-90 yards. He came in gobbling every few steps. He raised his head at 35 yards and I touched it off. Hopped up and saw him running away. He stopped and putted a few times safely out of sight. During my angry "what the **** happened" replay session I found the two 2" saplings that caught most of my pattern. I was so anxious/excited I never saw them. 30 more seconds and he would have been in a wide open spot. Stupid. :bash:
Hang in there Adam, and don't beat yourself up too bad. We've all been there, done that, and have the shirt. I'd rather cleanly miss 5, than pepper/wound 1. Get back at it, you'll be past it in no time, and it'll be an old memory soon. Good luck bud!