First public land bird!


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2011
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Well saturday morning went to a wma in Maury county that i been going to the last month and hunted the same bird thats been roosted in the same spot the last month. I was set up where he was usually roosted and couldnt handle all the mosquitoes after no gobbles at fly down time so i decided i would walk a bit. I started down another lane I havent been on, and found a very fresh set of yote tracks so I started following them. I followed them down the road, and crossed a little branch, and low and behold right before I went around the next curve, a gobbler flew down, gobbled twice about 50 yds. away. I set down and called for about ten min. just knowing he would peek around the corner any second, but nothing happened. I eased over to the side of the lane, and snuck up to the edge and I seen his head bob as he went around the next curve in the road, so i took my vest off and snuck up to the next curve. When I got to a hump in the road i was hunched over and i could see him walking through the weeds. I got ready stood up straight and took the shot, he flew about 3 ft. up in the air... instant sickness i was about to puke. But after the few wing flaps he collapsed dead in the road and never flopped. I stepped it off at 51 yds. I killed him at 6:08! He had a 9 1/2 in. beard and 1 in. spurs. Be patient ill try to post picks tommorrow.
Congrats! You were on the same land as me... Yanahli. I was out the same morning too, but there were no gobbles, no gobblers, only the occasional blue moon hen that popped out of the weeds. Mosquitoes were terrible Saturday morning, I must agree. Worst I have seen them, I had a swarm of maybe a dozen around my face and could not fight them off for a while, and that was while I was walking.

Glad you got one on Sat morning... it sucked for me but I guess there were still birds out there.
Here it is guys.

Sure was catman I just have found that place this year dont know much about except its got turkeys and i like it. got alot of deer to. I think thats going to be my new hunting spot until Lawrence co. bird population gets back in order i love it up there. I wish i knew about the whole place though, its a hard place to figure out tho. Dont feel bad thats the only bird i heard gobble and i wouldnt have killed if i wasnt so close when he flew down. I heard and seen a bunch of birds up there in 4 weeks, more than anywhere in a long time. The first time we went when we were walking out a longbeard was strutting like 3ft. from the truck lol i was like good lord!