First time Turkey Hunting Help...


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2010
Reaction score
Wilson Co.
Hey guys, this is my first year to try to get me a turkey and I am totally clueless about it. My buddy "claims" he knows all about it but I dont really believe him lol.

What are some pointers or simple advice about it that could help me out this year? Any advice will help,
dont over call, best advice i ever got was if you call to a bird and he answers, call again if he answers again then lay your call down bc he is coming, now it isnt true 100% of time but it works alot. and be patient
First you have to undersatand that a turkey can see as good as a deer can smell. Get you a turkey call of some sort, they have all kinds and don't worry to much about which one cause you will end up with several. If you are not familliar with all the turkey sounds get on you tube or something and listen to some turkeys and practice with your call to mimic some of those sounds. The rest is a chess match between you and that ol gobbler.
Oh and you can learn a lot from an idiot sometimes.
One thing about turkey hunting is one tactic is not going to work all the time. Main thing is getting out there with them and playing the game.
Be as patient, and as peristent as you can be when you enter the woods. Hunt with a guy that has some experience. He can teach you much more than a video. The best teacher is the turkey himself so time in the woods chasing turkeys will be the main way to get better. Everytime you get busted, or kill something you will learn from it (hopefully). good luck.
but ALSO dont be afraid to call, you have to learn how to take his temperature to see what he wants. i lost out on several birds by not calling enough they lost intrest and were done, sure your gonna mess up some hunts but you just have to learn the hows and whens. i would suggest reading all the material you can on turkey hunting and if you havnt yet sighn up on old and pick their brains, there are some great guys on their that are more than helpfull to newbies. good luck brother
knightrider said:
but ALSO dont be afraid to call, you have to learn how to take his temperature to see what he wants. i lost out on several birds by not calling enough they lost intrest and were done, sure your gonna mess up some hunts but you just have to learn the hows and whens. i would suggest reading all the material you can on turkey hunting and if you havnt yet sighn up on old and pick their brains, there are some great guys on their that are more than helpfull to newbies. good luck brother

An old turkey hunter and friend gave me this advice after about the second birdless season."remember that it is tutkey hunting not turkey calling"Since then I've took several birds.It's nice when they cooperate and come on a rope,but most times I have to move several times on a bird.Hope it helps,it did me.
also it is turkey HUNTING not turkey KILLING. dont expect a good success rate the first few times or even years out. if you can buddy up with someone who knows the ropes then do so and ask as many questions as you can. Pay attention to details and never come back from the woods without gaining some sort of knowledge. Dont be afraid to try different things as with failure comes experience.
REN said:
also it is turkey HUNTING not turkey KILLING. dont expect a good success rate the first few times or even years out. if you can buddy up with someone who knows the ropes then do so and ask as many questions as you can. Pay attention to details and never come back from the woods without gaining some sort of knowledge. Dont be afraid to try different things as with failure comes experience.

Dead on the head.I hunted for three years before I got my first bird. Best of luck and happy hunting