First Turkey Killed! Heavy-pic-long


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2008
Reaction score
Cannon County Outback
Well it started out my daughter asking if we could go hunting! Of coarse I said yes and I needed to put some carpet in the shooting house anyway so we did. I took the crossbow that I got off Lade and Tyler, which Tyler killed his first turkey with.

We sat there for maybe 30 minutes when turkeys started filing out of the woods approximately 300 yards away. She was counting them as they appeared. She counted 13. They worked their way across the field toward us but started to head up the hill to roost. I told her they probably won't come this way. After all but 3 disappeared they all came back down and entered our food plot. In the mean time we had a momma and to fawns come from our right waiting to see what the turkeys are going to do. The turkeys got with in 40 yards and I got her set up, her holding the crossbow and all and asked if she could see them. She said no :( my heart started to sink. I slid off the office chair I was in and told her get on her knees on the chair. Now she could see them! :) when they reached 20 yards I told her to put the cross hairs right in the middle of one. She said ok but they are moving. :) I whistled like we were shooting a running deer and they all stood still with necks stretched out. I said are you ready takem and she did. She hit the third one back :o
I turned before hugging her and asked did you aim at the first one or the third one,
she said the third one,
I said are you sure,
she said I couldn't see the first two they were too close.
I said are you sure!?
she yes daddy I hit the o e I was aiming at!
Big high five big hugs and the rest is history.

Alexie Land 8 yrs.
20 yards
100 Grain Thunder Head
Horton Pro 175

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