In my plots it is browsed just as hard or harder than any other clover. The browse is harder to see due to the volume of matter and speed of growth. But they will create a maze of wandering in it.
I do feel that it gets so deep and entertwined that turkey wil only use the edges. It's a rabbit magnate!
I have planted it with cereal rye, turnips and radishes and at anything over 3 lb per acre it out competes a large percentage eventually. I planted it at 5 lbs / acre with just cereal rye at 50 lbs per acre and had a good fall rye with clover and a great clover spring. That's the field in the picture above.
It is an annual but readily and repeatedly seeds and the seed back is substantial.
The stems are substantial but are also supple. We drill right into it when desired. I have plots on a farm in KY that we planted it in once and have had clover there ever since irregardless of what we plant. ( Note; I avoid spraying to kill a stand of anything other than unwanted weeds and grasses.)