Fletching question


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2010
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I have been shooting one arrow over and over like was suggested by Eddie c , I have notice that the fleching that's close to the riser is getting rough up , and there's small pieces of fleching in the shelf between the riser and bear hair rest ,what's causing this ?
Sounds like the feather is snagging the rest. Try turning the nock a hair.

How much are you shooting?
Shooting every chance I can get , some days it's only for 5 mins other days I get to shoot 30 mins , i am shooting the aluminum arrows and the nocks are glued , i looked and the other arrow I had shot several times is the same way ,
I am shooting chocolate chip cookie feather out , I have noticed the arrow sometimes hit the target at werid angles , I am shooting at roughly 10 yards .
This video might have some food for thought,its boring at first but around the 8 minute mark he gets into tuning, around the 11 minute mark he talks about how he shoots chocolate chip cookie vane in VS chocolate chip cookie vane out, think'n about try'n it myself just to see what happens.


He has several videos on tuning I've been watch'n, need to make me a paper tuning set up just to learn a little something.
I had the same issue when I started out. Flipped to chocolate chip cookie feather in and that did the trick. If it helps, I'm shooting 29" 2016's with a 125 grain head. I get really good flight out of this set-up. My draw length is about 27 1/2" so I'm shooting about 52lbs. at my draw.
I have never gone to the trouble of paper tuning, even with my compounds back in the day. I know I don't have a perfect release 100% of the time and that will show up on paper as being out of tune so I don't give myself the frustration.
I've got a 60lb Samik that does the same thing with the chocolate chip cookie feather out. I shoot my chocolate chip cookie feather in with my Samik only. If I remember correctly that's what you have. My Samik is the only one I do this with, could be just the way they are.
Finely a day warm enough to get out and shoot , I tryed it with the chocolate chip cookie feather in today , seemed to me to shoot a lot better or maybe it was just one of those days, I am going to contine to try shooting that way and see what happens , it's a 40lb samick journey, fast flight string , 2018 easton xx75 with 125 tips , I am drawing 29.5 inches . So poundage is 43 -/+ at my draw. Arrows are 30.5 from where string sits in nock to end of insert ,
I think your arrow shaft is too stiff. I recommend trying a 2016 or trying 145gr FP.
Easton's chart are on the stiff side.
I have a friend shooting 50# with 125 tips with 2016s and 2013 and getting excellent flight.
The only way to know is to try it.
The whole process is using know factsn educated guess then trial and errors.

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