Fletching question


Well-Known Member
Nov 15, 2004
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Blount Co.
Just bought a new bow, was going to use my arrows but the fletching interferes with the Whisker Biscuit. Obviously I have to refletch with the newer shorter vanes. Are there any negatives with the short? I would think the longer vanes with more surface would guide the arrow better.
I didn't know vanes would interfere with the biscuit, just make sure one vane is pointing straight up so that none of them hit the bottom of the biscuit
Are you talking about the vanes being too long and already being in the biscuit at rest ? If so that's not really an issue and will still shoot ok .
The short 2 inch vanes will work just fine. On the whisker biscuit, just as in almost all capture rest, if your vanes are helical and even with a slight offset you will have problems. Capture rest perform best with straight fletchings. Also with the biscuits remember to have the chocolate chip cookie feather up, the black bristles are stiffer to support the weight of the arrow so if your fletchings contact them the passthru will not be smooth. And the Whisker Biscuit rest is like the cockroach, it will still be around long after the others have died off.
How far do you want to shoot?
- Straight vanes will have the widest group.
- Offset will tighten it up a little.
- Helical will give you the tightest group.
There was a recent article in one of the magazines with machine shot arrows and grouping. Grill-n-man's right. Biscuit's are durable and reliable, but the vanes need to pass through it. More angle = more resistance, speed loss, & re-fletching required. All that said, it shouldn't be a problem for 20-30 yard shots. The drop away rests are better since the arrow isn't in contact the entire time. I have a QAD drop away and like it. 2"-3" groups at 45 yds.
This has been looked at several times by people that have the equipment and time to look at it as scientific as can be done, and every report is basically the same....there is not a marked difference in flight of a 4" vane compared to a short vane like a Blazer.

One more thing, the main difference between a helical and an offset is the noise�the average archer, at average distances, will not notice a significant difference in groupings.
The article was from Petersen's Bowhunting. The 45 yd comparison used a machine and fixed blade broadheads. The grouping was
- Straight 3.75"
- 2 degree offset 2.375"
- Helical 1"
obviously the 20 yard group was smaller.

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