Florida Pro/Am


Well-Known Member
Oct 3, 2012
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A few thoughts on the Florida Pro/Am this past weekend!

The Florida weather was a nice break from the dismal winter ice box here in Tennessee!

We got to the Pro/Am venue about 4:00 p.m. last Friday. Once we registered, we took a quick stroll through the vendors to check out who and what was there.

Then it was time to try to get in a few practice arrows! If you've ever attended a ASA Pro/AM then you know that the practice bales is one area that could surely use some organization. There are literally hundreds of archers trying to squeeze and push their way to shoot at the bales. It is here that you will sometimes meet a rude inconsiderate jerk on occasion, like the one who stands in front of the 20 yd bale and shoots at the 40 or 45 yd bale! It's amazing that some of the behavior exhibited at the practice bales hasn't caused a major altercation. More bales would help and a range official would help even more!

My Saturday range assignment was for range "D" at noon. By the way, range "D" was the same range the Open Pro class shot on Friday...lucky me! Range "D" was the farthest range at the end of the road. Why do the people who make the range assignments put the Senior Open class at the end of the road, the furthest point, for the longest walk? Duh? This just does not make any sense to me, especially being the recipient of a total knee replacement myself!

Saturday morning it was misting a little rain that served to drive the humidity up making it nice and muggy! After what was close to a mile walk to my range lugging my bow and chair I arrived at "Range D. During my walk I passed some young folks who were heard to be fussing about how long the walk was to their ranges! Go figure!

Right of the bat, I had made a rookie mistake by walking to my range too fast and got over heated. This isn't too big of a deal except for an eyeglass wearer such as myself!
Shoot 'em up says the range official at noon! The group's cards are shuffled and lucky me gets to lead off on the first thing on a 46 yard deer! It was all down hill from here! Fogging eyeglasses were the bane of my shooting for the first several targets! I tried everything I knew to get the fogging under control and nothing was working and didn't work until the body had cooled off enough! If any of you fine folks reading this have a sure fire method to prevent fogging eyeglass while shooting a bow I'd love to hear it!

In the first few targets the wheels came off the train and my shooting had a de-railment! Without a doubt this was not my finest hour in archery! Tournament nerves and not being able to see my intended target got me off to a rough start! On "D" range of 20 targets we counted 13 targets that over 40 yds with one at 48 yds. Our closest target was a 29 yd deer with the remainder of targets in the 34-40 range.

On Sunday my range assignment was for range "C" at 8:00 a.m. This range of 20 targets wasn't quite as long as the "D" range. Range "C" had a 48 yd coyote and 45 yd javelina and plenty of other 40 plus targets to entertain us! I was more relaxed and shot a lot better! No fogging glasses today!!! I hit 7 12's out of 20 this morning!

I had a pretty good group to shoot with for the weekend and I had a great time! This was my 3rd Pro/Am and I learned several things along the way and enjoyed myself immensely! The whole Pro/Am experience is definitely a learning work in progress that takes time and patience to develop the rhythm and skill to manage the course effectively!

It's 24 more days until the next ASA Pro/Am at Ft. Benning!
The weather was a big change FOR SURE!! When we left Friday morning, it was like 18 degrees with ice and snow in the roads and ground. When we got to the Florida/Georgia line, it was in the 70s. We got to the shoot site around 4:30 p.m. and it had just started to sprinkle. But other wise, it was really nice weather for shooting. I too had a really good group of guys to shoot with.

I don't mean this to sound the way that it is probably going to sound...because I do not see myself as a great or even a good shooter at all...but the group I shot with, was MUCH better shooters than I am. I am just not accustomed to shooting with people that can beat me shooting a bow...it seems like in the local shoots, I always shoot higher than anybody else in my group and thus far at the ASA shoots, I have been the highest scoring shooter in my groups. That is...until this Florida shoot. I finished last in my group both days...and I didn't really shoot bad either. I didn't shoot my best...I shot 2 down for the weekend but this is a whole new level of shooting and there are much better shooters in this class than what I'm use to competing against. AND I LOVE IT!! I got schooled...plain and simple LOL and I was taking notes like crazy.

Carrie had the same shoot times as I did but was on different ranges. So I didn't get to see her at all while she was shooting. Unlike me...she decided she was going to take her camera and I'm glad she did. If not for her, we wouldn't have any pics at all to look at from the shoot. So I hope you don't mind me posting...here are some pics from the shoot:

Here are those practice bags Dixie was talking about. Note the crowd and how unorganized it can be:

Here's a shot of the Pro shoot down in progress. We were hungry and wanted to beat the crowd of shooters to the eatin' joints...so we left early while they were all watching the shoot down.

Here's me and pro Levi Morgan, whom we caught out by the Elite and Scott Archery booths. Carrie accused me of having a "man crush" because she said I don't ever smile in pics unless I have a fish or deer in it, and there I am smiling like a possum in a gut pile with Levi. LOL Super nice guy and will go down as one of the greatest ever in 3D archery.

And here is Carrie with another one of my favorite shooters...sweet little Cara Fernandez...she's the women pro equivalent to Levi...she's won about everything in 3D that you can win. She had to run off to the shoot down and I didn't get to get my pic with her :(

Carrie found a new love at the ever popular Elite shooting booth. This is their new Elite Spirit womens bow. She came back several times to shoot this bow...I think she's gonna be getting one soon. She can pull it at 40 lbs like its nothing...and she does good to shoot 32-35 lbs on most other bows.

Carrie out on her range shooting with her Strother Hope.

Her and the group of ladies she shot with...check out their arrow group too. Sorry to say it guys...women can outshoot us with bows.

More proof of the above statement...note there are THREE Black Eagle Magnums in a single 12 ring in this pic. Holy cow...those things are the size of a telephone pole LOL.


Glad that you have some good photos1 I'll throw in a few taken with a cell phone.

This is the view from the end of the road looking back. There are hundreds of shooters on multiple ranges lining both sides of the road!

Thanks for the pics fellas. Me and the better half really enjoyed ourselves even though we shot awful. It was a learning experience for sure and can't wait until the next one.