FOC qiestion.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2002
Reaction score
Bellevue and Carroll Co TN
I just bought some new arrows....Easton N-Fusion 400

I shoot a Mathews Drenalin set at 60# and a 29" arrow.

The FOC chart says FOC should be between 7% and 18%.

With a 100 grain head, my FOC is 12% which is almos exatly mid

way of the range.

With a 125 grain head, my FOC is 14%.

My question is: Would that 2% make a great difference?

Thinking about getting some 85 grain heads. Have no idea what

the FOC would be on them but I am sure they would shoot flater.

Anybody done any experimenting with this?
I really like around a 12% FOC on hunting arrows, because that gives a good balance of trajectory while maintaining enough front energy for kinetic energy/penetration. I would stick with the 100gr for hunting if I where you.
I am going to shoot the 100 grains first. A bit too hot for me right now, the arrow or point malt between release and impact. ;)

I have used the 100s for years and like them. A few years ago I used the 125s because I occasionally went elk hunting and used a heavier arrow. Too old to climb those mountains now.
I dont like any broadhead below 100 grains......too flimsy for me. i bought some light weight muzzy's quiet a few years back and every head had damage to the ferrules beneath the trocar tip,,,,an issue i never experienced with heavier heads such as the 125's and 100's only occaisionly....seems the lighter weight materials are subject to bending/breaking/warping at that thin range......
wont ever use them again....just my two cents worth. :cool: