Food plot for turkey

Chufa (I think that is how you spell it). I think its pretty expensive though. But the Turkeys LOVE it
Chufa is great for the turkeys.

Its like cocaine for them.

The problem I had is that the turkeys find it before It has a chance to root. Ate every seed.

Cleaned our plot out on two seperate occasions.
I agree with planting chufas. They will absolutely demolish your field. HOWEVER, you plant chufas in the summer and they grow up until the first frost. As the plant goes dormant, the sugar level rises and the turkeys come calling!! They scratch, dig, paw, and chew until they wipe out the whole field. By the time spring comes around you don't have much left over to lure the birds unless you plant a BUNCH. I'm not saying don't plant it, I'm just letting you know what's coming.

Another suggestion is to plant some white clover. My personal preference is durano clover. The durano seems to have more stems and more mass than other white clovers. If you take care of it with fertilizer and mowing the tops of the clover, it will do well and turkeys love it.
Thanks for the help Yelper, but we sowed in the late spring/early summer,they found it and cleaned it out.
Not one plant. Wiped out!

Our clay soil isnt the best either for chufa.
All you need to do is lightly disc up your field. Turkeys love it. Its easy for em to find worms when the soil is soggy and they like to scratch around and dust themselves when its dry.