Foothills WMA.


Well-Known Member
Jul 27, 2021
Reaction score
Englewood, TN
Anyone frequently hunt this area? If so what are your thoughts on it? I live 20 minutes from it but haven't really spent enough time on it to make an assesment. Beautiful area but fresh sign seemed a bit scarce.
It's either straight up or straight down. Only 3 access points. One off Six Mile Road, Happy Valley, and by Chilhowee Lake. If I were going to hunt it, I'd bring everything you need to skin a deer out where you kill (after you check it in of course). It doesn't get hardly any pressure at all during deer season. I go squirrel hunting there once or twice a year there. I've found buck sign, but it's scarce. Really wish they would let people drive on the main logging road on it. I would definitely hunt it if they would.
It's either straight up or straight down. Only 3 access points. One off Six Mile Road, Happy Valley, and by Chilhowee Lake. If I were going to hunt it, I'd bring everything you need to skin a deer out where you kill (after you check it in of course). It doesn't get hardly any pressure at all during deer season. I go squirrel hunting there once or twice a year there. I've found buck sign, but it's scarce. Really wish they would let people drive on the main logging road on it. I would definitely hunt it if they would.
I'd say if they let people drive those roads they would have a lot of unwanted attention to it, but yes it would be a lot nicer than that 45 minute walk to the top.
I'd say if they let people drive those roads they would have a lot of unwanted attention to it, but yes it would be a lot nicer than that 45 minute walk to the top.
Yeah and that's true. It would go from little to no pressure to hunted hard. Definitely a lot more bear hunting would happen there. I guess I'd rather hunt something that's harder to get to than convenience and a bunch of pressure.
Has anyone of ya'll been up to the top of Chilhowee mtn up here? seems like a weekend hike to me lmao
I have, many times. From both sides. I don't live in the area anymore, so it's probably been 7 or 8 years since I've been to the top. There's a fire ring and trash from people camping in the gap where the powerline trail goes over the top. This is a good time of the year to hunt there. I hunted it hard the week between Christmas and New Years almost every year I lived out there. The spine of the mountain has a trail cut between the powerlines and it's always got fresh scrapes in it around now. Take a backpack, gamebags, and lots of snacks and water.