Layne said:
I just hope they don't change the shape cause it patterns great... maybe those odd shaped pellets have some "physics principle" for the way they fly?
I would think the round shot would act kind of like a knuckle ball since there is really no spin imparted on them as they are released...
Lol the only reason they are the shape they are is because of lack of quality control and no one is griping about it, and truly there is no reason to gripe about it as they are deadly, but no a perfect round pellet would fly straighter and with less flyers as the odd shapes are way more affected by choke constriction and air than a round ball would be.
What alot of people dont understand is that lead shot would pattern neck to neck with hevi if it did not deform on initial shot, forcing cone, and choke constriction. The.only setback would be wind resistance but it would be close