Game Camera Advice


Well-Known Member
Sep 26, 2011
Reaction score
sevier county Tn
Never bought a game camera before and I need at least two for my new property because the ones I have out now are hand me down and they are about dead and worn out.
All depends on what your wanting to achieve and how much your willing to spend on a camera. I've had the best luck with bushnell trophy cams and moultrie m80 series. Lower end cameras I use the WGI IR 4 on my kentucky lease.
I've got a couple types. The bushnell has been the most reliable. The others work, but may have some issues at times.
Noticed you haven't had a lot of replies. If your serious about getting some cameras do your research thoroughly and get what you want that suits what you need. and go thru there review page and do plenty of reading. You will find the good and bad of every camera that you can think of.
I have several different ones, some older. Wildgame has a few decent ones. Got a wildgame IR 6mp with batteries and 2G SD card included a few weeks back for $99 at Academy.
Went looking and no one had them set up to see how they worked so I bought the first one from a place that allows returns. Brought them home and tested them. 3 cams I tried that way and wasn't satisfied with them so they all went back. Funny thing, I earned points from the place and received a cash award.

I'd do it that way again. What's a person to do? The best of the 3 was a Moltrie or a Bushnell (can't remember) and I would've kept it if the up grade off their web site didn't send my puter into fits. The worst and the cam that has got to have the worst reviews was a cuddy ir. There is a web site that has tested several, google it, very informative.
bit of matter where you put your camera, make sure you lock it to a tree. The one time I didn't lock mine, it was stolen. You don't want to have that feeling when you go to check your film, and your camera is gone.
You think it would happen on gated private land with a caretaker who is a former game warden? Only one way in that doesn't have cameras pointed and it goes out into lake on three sides