Get Ready For Bow Season!!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2007
Reaction score
I would like to invite all of the TNDeer folks to come out and shoot with us on August 16th in Hendersonville.

Pine Creek Archery Club will be holding a 25 target shoot with money, competition and fun classes.

Come see why people drive from miles around to shoot our range. We basically bought 25 new McKenzie targets for this season.
I am sure we can all use a little practice judging yardage, and it is critical when hunting with a bow.

Come out and practice on our 3D targets.

Prices for the shoot are:
$10.00 for fun class
$12.00 for the competition class
$20.00 for the money class
All I hav ever done is bow hunt,but this sounds like fun.
Know nothing about this.

Do you allow rangefinders?
Man, you wouldn't believe how much fun it is. I was the same way when I started shooting 3d. Now, I am hooked and you would not believe me if I told you how much better it has made me!!

The set up is 1/2 known yardages(yardages posted on cards for each colored stake) and 1/2 unknown yardages. The only time that you are allowed to use a range finder is if you are shooting the fun class. We also respectfully ask that if you are shooting the fun class, and use a rangefinder, that you not discuss the yardage with others, as they may be competing.

Come on out and shoot with us. YOU WILL HAVE A GREAT TIME.