Gettin Close!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2007
Reaction score
Cookeville, TN
I need to get a tree stand since we are almost 70 days out. I have been playing alot of golf, but been flinging about 12 arrows three days a week at 20 yards. I am going to try to keep it as simple as possible this first season as a bow hunter, but my Parker Blackhawk is shooting sweet. I also need to get some broadheads.

I'm getting pumped!
I didn't get to hunt much last year after getting hurt. I can't wait for deer season. Bring it on!!!!!!!
I can't wait ethier.. I need 2 buy a new stand this year, thinkin about going for an open front stand.

UTGRAD you need 2 shoot from an elevated position to get used to it before season.
Deer season is a great way to kill time during the tournament off season :D
I was referring to foam and dots. Richard rolls his eyes at me but I'd give up hunting before archery tournaments.

BTW, I played Tim's Ford a few weeks ago and shot a 78. Blew up on the back. Not bad for my third round of the year. I put the clubs up and haven't touched them since. :D
JayMc said:
I was referring to foam and dots. Richard rolls his eyes at me but I'd give up hunting before archery tournaments.

BTW, I played Tim's Ford a few weeks ago and shot a 78. Blew up on the back. Not bad for my third round of the year. I put the clubs up and haven't touched them since. :D

You'd be dangerous if you practiced!
i second the comment about jodi clarke..............that chick is sweeeeeeeeeeeeet. now i could share a blind with her any day. btw ut grad ive got a 3 pk. of magnus stinger buzz cut broadheads 100 grn for 15.00 bucks :) pun intended
well for that matter, to anyone interested. i live here in franklin so we could meet up if interested. thanks Rob
UTGrad, you ever get one last year? Your enthusiasm got me pumped about the season start last year I recall... what are your plans/ strategy for 09?
muzzy76 said:
UTGrad, you ever get one last year? Your enthusiasm got me pumped about the season start last year I recall... what are your plans/ strategy for 09?

Yep...I was definately pumped, but had to pass on an 8 point opening day gun due to the distance and some obstruction. I have a bow and a muzzleloader this year and have been shooting the bow since Feb. I didn't get one last year, but I have already been working on some loads with my muzzleloader to capitalize on the two week muzzleloader season. My strategy this year is to hunt more property and have more patience. I tend to move when I ground sit, but I will have a stand this year and plan to focus on being still.