Getting mad now lol


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2007
Reaction score
Wilson County, TN
Sitting watching 2 big boys strut at 80yds. Been watching them for 2HOURS! They won't move due to the hens with them and they won't come off the hens. Heck I am tired of sitting here lol

They literally have been in the same spot for an hour!
just be ready to move as soon as soon as they go toward a certain section of woods, thats how I've killed most of mine
You need to create your own hen racket and make them want to come over to you.... try some gobbles and fighting purrs.... very aggressive hen talk.... or just sit there 2 more hours... :D
Poser said:
Why are you mad? You are out turkey hunting.
Yeah no kidding. I'm stuck in an office building in Franklin looking outside every other minute wishing I was anywhere but here. :cry: Hang in there Ren and shoot me a PM if you ever need any help killing 'em. Got a 9-year old with an itchy trigger finger and I'd like to get him his 2nd all time. Going in the morning if nothing changes.
Here he is at 80yds
