Giving another string maker a try.


Well-Known Member
Jun 18, 2001
Reaction score
Moss, Tennessee
I need a new string and cable for a DXT I bought recently. I read on Archery Talk, where Bucknasty got rid of all his helpers and said it pretty much doubled the time to make a string, the way I took it anyway. Also, there were people on their talking about calling and not getting an answer and he doesn't seem to be replying to posts in his thread on there. So I decided to give Wicked1 a try. They got some pretty good deals running right now. They way I took it from the pm I received, turn around time is really quick also. Hopefully, I made the right choice.
Tell them Boo sent you and you get both sets for $45.00.

You will not be disappointed in the quality of their strings!
well i had to reserve my bucknasty strings they were off by over 3inches,and took over 150 shots to get the string to settle in so the peep wouldnt turn,you have made a great choice with the wicked strings