Glove, tab or fingers ??


Well-Known Member
Aug 1, 2011
Reaction score
Mt. Eagle
What are shoot'n with ??

Most of the time I just use my bare fingers, even used to shoot my compound the same way, but was feeling the sting tonight tho, the bow was a (new to me) grizzly at 55#, my other is just 50#, but the 55# has a custom string & I think thats made a difference.

Now I'm thinking its time to get something to keep the skin on my fingers.
I'm currently using a glove, been using a tab for years. 2 years ago while I was in south Texas, one of the guys I was hunting with asked me about my tab. I told him I never found a glove that fit. he handed me one of his and my groups tighten up. i tried to hand him the glove back and he said that wasn't his glove, that it must have been mine. :) he had it so long the only thing on it that we could ID was the Made In USA flag tag. the only glove I've found close to it is a Bear Paw that is was made in Germany.
my tab is made like a Super Glove tab.
I've tried both & always favored a tab, even used it with a compound before the release was a "must have" item.

The gloves always hindered the feel of the string & I was forever rolling the string off my fingers, tabs were slick as a whistle but wore out fast, but with either the were the cheapos, never had anything of real good quality.
i went in another bow shop i was passing the other day ,and he had tabs and gloves , i was going to buy one of each but then noticed the tabs were small size. so i ended up with a glove but plan on trying to buy a tab as well.
If I use a tab it is only when bowfishing, glove tends to get slick and stretches when wet. I use a glove and like you had a hard time getting a good fit ( I got short fat fingers). The ones I got now were just a little small but I use a good oil to wet them then put them on and let the glove stretch to fit. Kinda like breaking in a new ball glove.
when I am bowfishing I use a tight thin glove on both hands for grabbing the line when pulling the fish in the boat. I was using a tab but a rope burn changed my mind. I usually buy the cheap thin glove at dollar general.
Bought a (Neat brand) new tab today,only about $8 so figured I would roll the dice on it, but am gonna start look'n for a glove to try also.
I shoot one of the Rod Jenkins tabs made by Scott Teaschner. Great tab and has a 5 year unlimited shooting guarantee on it.