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Goal #1-The Biggest yet


Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2002
Lebanon,TN USA
Just took my dog for a walk in the woods where I hunt some. Saw quite a few deer and for sure, the biggest doe I have ever see in TN. I bet she will field dress 140 pounds. She is #1 on my list for this season.
I love to hunt those big old does with a few years of survival. It took until Thanksgiving morning to get the one I targeted last year. She f.d. 123 and was 5,5. This one is noticeable larger and according to her head, at least 22 years old :)
good luck. Must have a lot of good meat on her. I'll be shooting at does this season and haven't tried their meat yet. 140 lbs sounds huge.
My largest doe in Tennessee (and ever) dressed 138 lbs and was weighed on 3 different sets of scales. A bowkill to make it even sweeter.
I have been convinced for some time, does are quite a bit harder to kill than bucks, age/age if they too are hunted or pressured. Since I started shooting does on my properties more than bucks, they are a tough hunt wehn they get some age on them.

A doe that makes it to 4.5 is a tough cookie and will pattern you in a heart beat.
Now BW, that is a really great trophy in my book and i make it a habit to do the same.....the really old does with the long faces and smarts to boot totally intrigue me and i love to take them.....when they dont outsmart me, which they do many times in bow season!!!!
My hunting buddy and I killed a doe each on consecutive hunts back about 10 years ago.

His field dressed 142 and mine was 140.

By FAR the two largest does I have ever seen.

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