Gobble Report - Opening morning


Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2014
Reaction score
Middle TN
Its currently 830 am. Two hours after sunrise.

4 am I leave the house. 530 we are in the wood backed up to a large open field I have scouted some tracks running through lately. It was not raining yet. Got a makeshift blind up and ready to go. 545 I let off a box call and wait. Nothing but a light shimmer in the sky. 600 and one more box call. At this point I try leaning up against a tree thicket to get a little rest before Sunrise. 614 I wake up to something. I think I am half dreaming
All I can think the last few days has been gobble. 30 seconds later a gobble right from where I heard it originally. 25 yards in the wood to my right is an active pair of gobblers. For the next hour or so we are trading calls every fifteen minutes and he's getting closer. About five minutes before the rain starts pouring we have another gobbler to our north in the treeline through the field. Im just begging one of these toms to walk into the field and see my decoy setup, then maybe I'll have a shot. The rain starts pouring. I am waiting and still calling occasionally avoiding overselling through my Excitement. After being soaked, I decide to head to the house dry off and switch to my 12 gauge from my bow. I know some of you will say a hunter will stay in the wood through the rain. Well I lost my gobblers. Going to dry off switch up and head out there .

How are you guys doing?
we heard one bird gobble twice on the roost a looong ways off. then we got wet and came home. no tweety birds singing or anything. woods were dead quiet except for the rain.
Went out...heard nothing...saw nothing...got wet...now home hanging with the kids while the wife shops.

I will hit it again Monday!
Heard 2different birds this morning.Called up 3 hens (flew in) gobblers followed. My son killed him 9" beard 3/4 spurs 20lbs. To proud!!!
no gobbles, 4 hens came in field for awhile, rained all morning. Did see a tom strutting with two hens in the neighboring property on my ride home
Had birds but came down with hens. Counted 31 deer in the same field and they kept chasing the turkeys around. At home drying off then going back out
Didn't hear any pouting rain by the time I climbed the mountain. So just sat down under a big ash made three short sets of calls and had a hen show up stayed till 9 climbed back down and went home. Just got all my stuff dried out.
Congrats on those kills guys. Good to hear someone taking some birds. Back out here in the blind avoiding the rain again. Heard a few gobbles setting up. Hard to hear with the rain hitting the blind. Hopefully we can bag one soon.
Good job to those who killed. And two thumbs up to those who took a bath. Hit about three spots today, flushed a hen off her roost at 9 am in the fog and drizzle. Made me wonder how far birds got off the roost since the heavy rain hit here later. Got to hear only very few gobbles.
Raining at daylight.He gobbled one time,hit the ground in the field with hens and never strutted or gobbled.He never strutted which was maybe a good thing,called him up to 20 yards at 7:30 and dead.Wet butt but cant killem in bed!!!!!!!!!!!

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