First gobble was at 6:09 and they hollered good on the limb and on the ground...until they hooked up with hens. :roll: They definitely weren't on fire but did gobble sporadically all morning.
Three gobbled fair on the roost and then pretty good for almost an hour on the ground, just on the neighbors property. Only birds I heard, but did hear 18 shots by 715. Some were either follow ups or second birds. More shooting than I've ever heard in one morning of hunting deer or turkey. Only time close to that was opening afternoon of muzzleloader 2 years ago. Thankfully, none of the shots were close enough for me to think "they got one of ""my"" birds"!
Birds lit up right before sunset. Had one hammering at owls and came to within 40 yards and pitched up to a tree 13 minutes after sunset. Another bird has gobbled a bunch on the limb further down the ridge and is still gobbling. I had plans to hunt elsewhere tomorrow but it's hard to turn away from these...
I only head one gobble this morning. Had one get close enough that I could hear him drumming this evening but no gobble. Three birds did light up on roost this evening though. May have to swing by before church and hope for the best.
Gobbling every direction this morning. Walked 100 yards. I'll spare the details of a bad sinus/asthma issue walked back to truck and went back to bed. 1st opening morning I've ever missed since I started hunting turkeys.