Gobbler Trouble!!!


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2011
Reaction score
Cumberland County,Tennessee, U.S.
Well the private land I am hunting just isn't cutting it I heard 2 gobbles one morning and that was it, and the hens got to him and he shut up. I just don't know how to kill this gobbler. I know there were at least 21 birds and alot had bears about a month ago in the feeding area. There is one open creek bottom, one semi-clear wooded area( where we feed deer and turkeys during off season, no feed has been put out in quite a long time), then the rest is mostly very brushy ridges and hollers that slope down to a large lake. I just don't know how to get on him! I have spooked birds during one of my hunts cause they were just so quiet! I was sneaking around quietlt and had just called and listened for forever and heard nothing so I slipped on forward and just like that birds took off, they were just as quiet as a mouse coming up a spillway down a ridge. I have never hunted with quiet birds till now and I don't know how to get on him!!!! Please offer me some good detailed advise!!!
Not sure how long your hunting, but last weekend on opening morning, not a single gobble until about 8:45... then a couple got to hammering.

Just go out and try like normal, if nothing happens just call frequently and wait. Maybe something will turn loose and you can work around to him.

Good luck and stay persistent/patient!!
Patience is the way you kill silent gobblers, or you leave them alone for a few weeks and return when they have less lady company. I despise silent birds, and will not hunt birds that don't gobble. I can handle henned up birds if they speak every now and then, but the silent ones get a pass from me.
My favorite saying I tell people when it comes to turkeys is "patience kills turkeys". Easier said than done because I get antsy too and want to move but just sit there for 5 more minutes, then 5 more, etc. It's hard to sit still when he's not talking back though.
Setterman said:
Patience is the way you kill silent gobblers, or you leave them alone for a few weeks and return when they have less lady company. I despise silent birds, and will not hunt birds that don't gobble. I can handle henned up birds if they speak every now and then, but the silent ones get a pass from me.

well this is pretty much the only place that I have permission to that holds turkeys...I can seal the deal I just need some gobbling!
Setterman said:
Patience is the way you kill silent gobblers, or you leave them alone for a few weeks and return when they have less lady company. I despise silent birds, and will not hunt birds that don't gobble. I can handle henned up birds if they speak every now and then, but the silent ones get a pass from me.