God is good!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2000
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Clinton, TN
The Lord has blessed us so far this season. The last two weekends have produced 61qts. of greenbeans and 26qts. of pickles. Have also made 14 half pints of strawberry preserves. This is the best we have ever done in a growing season.
Very nice. Nothing like good garden food. My wife has been working on canning the pickles, I put out 8 plants for her. My beans will start by the weekend. I could pick some now but I like them to have a good sized bean in them.
Sweet.... we put up 19 quarts of Pickles Monday night... We only put up a dozen last year as the cucumbers had it bad last year.... Yes God is good
Made another quick run of pickles Monday evening, that puts me at 33qts. I'm going to invest in Mason jars, cause we are going through them.
I hear you about the jars.... I am trying something new this year... Tattler brand reusable lids and seals....

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