Forgot to give the update. Didn't see any birds, but had some on the back side of the hill for 45 minutes before flyup. I could hear them walking around, but had set up below the crest because it was so open. Weird thing is is I have no idea where they went to roost. Another guy was in this spot this morning, so maybe he killed one of them and they went to roost elsewhere. If so, then that works better for me as where they usually go as the season wears on is my property!
I get to go by myself tomorrow morning at a farm with tons of birds, but with some big pastures and neighboring farms I don't have permission(nor anyone else for that matter...can you say refuge?) to hunt that they love to be in too. I was able to get one each of the past two years by just getting in front of them either heading to the refuge or coming over the line to gather some hens on my side.