Gold Tip Pro Hunter?


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2007
Reaction score
East TN
I am having trouble paper tuning my new GT Pro 5575's shot from a 70 lb. Switchback XT.
26.6875 shaft length
spine .400
100gr. field tip
GT nock
3.5" wrap
three 2" Blazer Vanes
overall weight 365gr.

The tears are slight but an angle upward and left. A bare shaft with only the 3.5" wrap also tears upward and left.
Any suggestions?
I have the same problem with my mathews xt bow. it We sent it back to the mfg. they replaced one cam.
Thanks for your help. I'm working on it. May have too light an arrow. Backed off the poundage to 65 and am seeing improved results.
the cam helped but I had to crank my bow down to get better results. I use the gold tip 5575 too!
Hey Blue... I have shot the Pro Hunters and love them... when I turn my bow to 72 max weight.. I HAVE to shoot a 7795 in the Pro shaft. If shooting around 60-64 or so... the 5575 are fine.....
Thanks Backstraps, turning my bow down in the 60's lbs has solved the problem. If I want to shoot at 70lb. just have to get the heavier spined arrows. Back to the shooting range! :)
update on lastest tune test...We tried different arrow type and spines and 3 different arrow rest. they all pulled to the right and high.We backed the bow poundage down. it still rips the paper.. this is a mystery to me.
Tell you what it sounds like to me. A hand torque issue. Have some one else shoot the bow. See if that helps. Might be ,also that your arrow is too stiff. leave the weight where you want it. Try a heavier head. The high part of the tear could be you need to lower the nock point a little till it is gone. Just a few suggestions.