Gonna buy a new bow


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2006
Reaction score
Washington County
Alright been looking at getting one of the truth 2 bows. Any of yall shot them yet? I dont need a super fast bow, just one accurate and forgiving. I have a Bear Element now that I love, but yall know how it is....I just wanna get another one. Also how about those DXTs....I know they fast but how forgiving?
Just go out and shoot what you are liking.

Dont know you proce range but I really like the new bowtech admiral. Smooth, quiet, moderately fast. 312-320
Has a 7.5" brace height.

If you are on the budget side look at bowtechs sniper. 7 7/8" brace height 312 IBO. fairly smooth and quiet, very forgiving.

But if I was buying another bow now... http://www.bowtecharchery.com/bow_airraid.php

You asked about the DXT.

I put the admiral, the air raid, DXT, and sniper in that order.
But I'd buy the sniper before the DXT in that order because of the price on the DXT and the sniper is a decent gap.

All I have shot is 09 bowtechs and 09 DXT's.
Other than that, no idea.
The truth 2 bow is a pretty good shooting bow. The dxt is the best bow I have ever owned. I can shoot this bow better than any of them I have ever picked up. Shoot as many as you can and 1 will pick you.
truth 2 are junk. If you want a good bow that is forgiving, a mathews dxt is the only way to go.

And i dont say this because I own one, i dont, i shoot a hoyt katera (best bow I've ever shot, but less forgiving)
dmitchell28 said:
Try a parker Blackhawk...honestly you may be a little surprised and a fraction of the cost of a DXT.

Interesting. I googled the Blackhawk and the average price I found was 649 for the Blackhawk XP. The DXT sells in Nashville for 659. That's a big fraction.

I'm not bashing the Blackhawk, it's probably a great bow. There is a misconception about the price of the Mathews bows though. These bows are the same price (or less) than the majority of bows from Hoyt, Bowtech, Elite, etc and the same as the high end bows from Parker, Diamond, Martin, Pearson, etc.

Rackman - like was already said, shoot them all and you'll know which bow is for you.
don't be afraid to try some of the "store brands" They are truley a couple of hun cheaper and if you do your research you'll find that some of those store brands are made by the major manufactures. Or so i have heard.
There are a lot of excellent quality bows on the market now(Bowtech, Parker, Ross, Mathews, etc) and it really boils down to personal preference, so go shoot them. Just make sure you are comfortable with it and that you don't put so much money in the bow that you can't afford good quality accessories. They can make or break even a top dollar bow.
Go spend a Saturday or two and just go shoot bows. Just don't "settle" for the one you set out to get. I've been let down many times after reading good reviews on the forums about bows and then going and actually shooting them. And on the flip side of that, I've had a few bows that weren't even on my "want to shoot" list that I ended up buying. I'm shooting one of those right now. I never even considered the BowTech bows and now I've got the 82nd Airborne.

If you want a sweet shooting, quiet, forgiving bow, that doesn't cost a lot. I would really consider the Mission X3. They don't come out of the box much quieter and I think I shot 6 robin hoods with the one I had in the first few weeks of having it. You can get them used for around $275 and the new ones aren't that much more. IMO you'd like it a lot more than a Truth bow.
Try out as many different manufactures bows as you can. Shoot what feels best to you, you will be the one hunting with it. I guarantee you the game you chase wont mind if you shoot a Matthews or not... :-)
Crow Terminator said:
Go spend a Saturday or two and just go shoot bows. Just don't "settle" for the one you set out to get. I've been let down many times after reading good reviews on the forums about bows and then going and actually shooting them. And on the flip side of that, I've had a few bows that weren't even on my "want to shoot" list that I ended up buying. I'm shooting one of those right now. I never even considered the BowTech bows and now I've got the 82nd Airborne.

If you want a sweet shooting, quiet, forgiving bow, that doesn't cost a lot. I would really consider the Mission X3. They don't come out of the box much quieter and I think I shot 6 robin hoods with the one I had in the first few weeks of having it. You can get them used for around $275 and the new ones aren't that much more. IMO you'd like it a lot more than a Truth bow.

Ditto . Shoot as many bows as you can and choose the one you shoot best .
JayMc said:
dmitchell28 said:
Try a parker Blackhawk...honestly you may be a little surprised and a fraction of the cost of a DXT.

Interesting. I googled the Blackhawk and the average price I found was 649 for the Blackhawk XP. The DXT sells in Nashville for 659. That's a big fraction.

I'm not bashing the Blackhawk, it's probably a great bow. There is a misconception about the price of the Mathews bows though. These bows are the same price (or less) than the majority of bows from Hoyt, Bowtech, Elite, etc and the same as the high end bows from Parker, Diamond, Martin, Pearson, etc.

Rackman - like was already said, shoot them all and you'll know which bow is for you.

Well there ya go...the blackhawk is top of the line bow for parker. The best they make and its still cheaper than a almost top of the line mathews..LOL ;) Im just messing JayMc. But in all honesty, its whatever feels great to you Rackman. Heck if a $300 bow feels more confortable for you than a DXT or a Blackhawk, I would recommend it. I would have to say with all bows and companies today 90-95% of shooting is the person behind the bow! Everyone will tell you that bows now days are so far ahead of the curve it isnt funny. I mean there isnt much more companies can do to make bows any better! Heck I seen a Buckmaster bow at wal-mart one night last year and it was actually a nice looking bow for around 250..and at wal-mart!
Good luck with your search...and dont forget to check out used bows...definately can get the total package for honest fraction of the cost!!!