TN Larry
Well-Known Member
Turkey hunting for me plays second fiddle to fishing unless they want to gobble and play the game. I got on some Saturday morning, but they had lady friends and didn't want to play. I decided that I had rather fish. I heard another later in the day that was hot that I got out on but must have got too close as he hushed.
Yesterday morning, there were 3 gobbling there heads off on the roost. Two were fairly close together, but they had hens with them as well. I decided to get in the middle of them and see what happened. I heard one fly down as I got set up. Some hens started tree yelping after about 10 minutes so I started mocking them. I then heard something walking above me, and it was the bird that had flew down. He was about 80 yards. He wouldn't gobble, but I heard him spitting and drumming. The other one was still in the tree but had become silent. I continued to tree yelp to the other hens as he continued to stand there strutting. I then realized that he had a hen with him, and she started to yelp softly so I started mocking her. She then started angling towards me and got to about 60 yards and turned the other direction as we continued to yelp back and forth to each other. The gobbler still had not moved. He then turns and starts strutting straight to me. I couldn't believe that he left the hen. He got to about 35 yards or so, and I couldn't stand it anymore. He came out of strut, and I fed him some number 6 Winchesters.
21.75 lbs
10.75 beard
1 1/8 sharp spurs
He is now marinating in Italian dressing and waiting for the grill tonight.
It was a good weekend. I also caught a bunch of fish too. I just hope they continue to do there thing.
Yesterday morning, there were 3 gobbling there heads off on the roost. Two were fairly close together, but they had hens with them as well. I decided to get in the middle of them and see what happened. I heard one fly down as I got set up. Some hens started tree yelping after about 10 minutes so I started mocking them. I then heard something walking above me, and it was the bird that had flew down. He was about 80 yards. He wouldn't gobble, but I heard him spitting and drumming. The other one was still in the tree but had become silent. I continued to tree yelp to the other hens as he continued to stand there strutting. I then realized that he had a hen with him, and she started to yelp softly so I started mocking her. She then started angling towards me and got to about 60 yards and turned the other direction as we continued to yelp back and forth to each other. The gobbler still had not moved. He then turns and starts strutting straight to me. I couldn't believe that he left the hen. He got to about 35 yards or so, and I couldn't stand it anymore. He came out of strut, and I fed him some number 6 Winchesters.

21.75 lbs
10.75 beard
1 1/8 sharp spurs

He is now marinating in Italian dressing and waiting for the grill tonight.
It was a good weekend. I also caught a bunch of fish too. I just hope they continue to do there thing.